Don’t Let High Heating Bills Keep You Up – Book A HVAC Service Now!

The temperature is dropping. To make your home pleasant, you'll need additional heat. This does not imply that your heating expense should skyrocket. The Havens Heating & Cooling are one of the top air conditioning companies in shreveport la  who serve commercial & residential customers for many years in the Shreveport, LA area.

Our la heating and cooling experts are experienced in spotting possible faults that might result in an increase in your heating cost. Schedule a pre-season check to prepare your home and HVAC system for the next winter freeze.

Take care of your HVAC system like you would your car. Through rigorous maintenance, have an HVAC specialist inspect your system between seasons to keep it functioning safely, effectively, and to discover problems before they become crises.

Safety Check - An HVAC specialist is educated to recognise dangers that might put your property and its people in risk. It's possible that you have flammable objects stored close to the equipment.

Efficiency Check - We at Havens Heating and Cooling want to help you save money on your heating expenses. A programmable thermostat may be recommended as part of an efficiency audit. This manner, your system is only activated when you require it. When no one is home, you won't have to pay for heat.

If the air in your house isn't moving freely, the technician will hunt for obstructions that are obstructing it. Airflow restrictions make your system work harder. Higher heat expenses imply more difficult job. We may advise you to move furniture or other obstructions away from the intake and output vents.

Preventive Maintenance - 

Regular inspections and maintenance ensure that you stay in compliance with your warranty. Before they would settle a claim, most warranties demand documentation that the system was routinely serviced by a trained specialist.


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